Schedule of Events
BHC Children's Summer Program
with Baltimore City Schools
Storytelling- Hike-Yoga-Dance-Sound Healing
July 11 Collington Square Freedom School
July 13 Peace Camp #1
July 18 Tench Tilghman Freedom School
July 20 Orita Cross
(different Freedom School/Park Heights)
July 25 Wm Pinderhughes Freedom School
July 27 Peace Camp #2

We also love volunteers at any time. If you'd like to work in the veggie garden contact Taylor Logsdon at tea.for.the.taylorman@gmail.com. If you'd like to do more general farm help you can contact Patricia at patricianorton38@gmail.com. We would Love to work together with you... in community.
Shaman Sound for Women - Ann Hughes
Saturdays: 12 – 8 pm Sundays: 9 am – 1 pm.
Sept 9-10,
Oct 14-15,
Nov 4-5,
Dec 1-2.
Kirtan with Amah Devi
Wednesday, August 23rd
1st Saturday of the month Music Circle
Jaqui MacMillian - Drum Circle
September 2 7pm
​Rites of Passage Program - Gabriel Pickus
Friday - Sunday, September 15 -17
Shaman Despacho with Pamela Panneton
Friday, September 22
Shaman Despacho with Rebecca Snyder
Sunday, September 24
1st Saturday of the month Music Circle
Jenna Sommers and Taylor Logsdon
Saturday, October 7
6pm vegetarian potluck - 7:30 music
Sunrise and sunset Agnihotra performed daily. Visitors welcome to come for the experience.
Contact Patricia Norton for inquiries or registration
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